Light Language Activation – Inner Power


This code is designed for you to really feel and know your inner power. Embodying, and knowing your inner strength. Your power. This one will open your eyes on a deeper level than before. Try this for 8 days in a row and embrace the change.

This  comes with 2 downloadable files. A light language code and an activation – clearing recording.

You can copy the code, print it out or stare at the screen. Or you can stare at it until you have the image in your head. The light codes will do the work for you, along with your higher self and intent.

This code is designed for you to really feel and know your inner power. Embodying, and knowing your inner strength. Your power. This one will open your eyes on a deeper level than before. Try this for 8 days in a row and embrace the change.

The light language will help you to clear every belief and subconscious programming you have about yourself and clears any discomfort in your body, heart and mind.

If you have any questions about it, let me know.

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